Biography of usman dan fadioa
Usman dan fodio cause of death
Usman formed and began an Islamic religious and social revolution which spread from Gobir throughout modern Nigeria and Cameroon.
Who is the father of usman dan fodio
Usman dan Fodio, (born December , Maratta, Gobir, Hausaland—died , Sokoto, Fulani empire), Fulani mystic, philosopher, and revolutionary reformer.
Jihadin shehu usman dan fodio
Usman was the most important reforming leader of the western Sudan region in the early 19th century.
List of 14 flag bearers of usman dan fodio
Sheikh Usman Dan Fodio, a man of very deep religious conviction was born into the Toronkawa stock of the Fulani tribe in The Toronke Fulani, urbanised, scholarly and .