Gwynyth walsh biography of abraham

The Man in the High Castle

Who is Gwynyth Walsh?

gwynyth walsh biography of abraham

Gwynyth walsh biography of abraham

Short Biography Gwynyth Walsh is a Canadian actress best known for her role of the Star Trek character B'Etor, one of the Duras sisters.

Virgin River

Gwynyth Walsh has been a regular face on television for over two decades, although it would be easy not to recognize her from her most famous role: the Klingon warrior woman B'Etor in "Star Trek: The Next Generation." Under significant make-up and prosthetics, she played the ruthless character whose familial ties made her a blood enemy of the show's Lieutenant.

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She is perhaps best remembered for the recurring role of the Klingon B'Etor, sister of Lursa, from the House of Duras in all the versions of Star Trek, except Star Trek: Voyager () and Star Trek: Enterprise ().