Lahoud biography

Lahoud family

Émile Jamil Lahoud (born 12 January ) is a Lebanese politician who served as the 11th president of Lebanon from to During his presidency, the Israeli occupation of Southern Lebanon, that had lasted since , ended in May He downplayed sectarianism and rearmed the Lebanese army, with See more.
lahoud biography

Dr. lahoud

Name: Emile Jamil Lahoud Date and place of birth: , Beirut Marital Status: Married to Andrée Amadouni, father of 3 children: Carine El Murr, Emile and Ralph.

Hariri assassination

Émile Jamil Lahoud (born 12 January ) is a Lebanese politician who served as the 11th president of Lebanon from to During his presidency, the Israeli occupation of .

Lahoud meaning
Rabih Lahoud is the singer of the successful jazz band Masaa, with which he has already released 5 albums, and a member of Markus Stockhausen's band Eternal Voyage.