Rose schneiderman and the triangle fire

What did rose schneiderman do

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in , in which garment workers were burned alive or died jumping from the ninth floor of a factory building, dramatized the conditions that Schneiderman, the WTUL and the union movement were fighting.

rose schneiderman and the triangle fire

Triangle shirtwaist factory fire

One of the greatest industrial tragedies in U.S. history occurred on March 25, , when workers, mostly young immigrant women, died in a fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist company in .

Rose schneiderman triangle shirtwaist fire speech

Speech by Rose Schneiderman at Metropolitan Opera House meeting to protest the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire April 2, From: Leon Stein, ed., Out of the Sweatshop: The .
Rose schneiderman and the triangle fire department
Rose Schneiderman was brought into the public eye when she gave her speech at the mass meeting held at New York’s Metropolitan Opera House on 2 May The speech was in .